
Monday, April 19, 2010

It's Official

Yes, it's official--I've finally gotten around to deciding about college! I'll be entering Calvin College as a freshman at the end of August. Calvin is located in Grand Rapids, Michigan--only a couple hours from my old house outside Detroit. Needless to say, I'm super excited, especially since I already know so many people in Michigan!

For the geographically-challenged westerners who are probably reading this, Grand Rapids is on the west side of the Lower Peninsula, near Lake Michigan. Still clueless? Here's a map.

My mobility will be limited--I won't have a car or even a bike--though I'll do my best to mooch rides off other birders. However, the campus is very green (and there's a nice ecosystem reserve just across the street), so I should manage well on foot. Here's a satellite image of campus.

I'm going to enjoy my last few months of birding in California over the summer. My workload promises to be excruciatingly heavy, so I'll do less birding than I'd likely, but I'll get out--someway, somehow.


Bob Kaufman said...

Congratulations, Neil..and excellent College choice! What course will you be taking?

John B. said...

Congratulations! I hope you enjoy Calvin College.

Tim the Ninja Librarian said...

Early welcome to G-Rap!

Cathy Carroll said...

I was surprised to read of your college choice only a few hours after returning from a Florida birding trip with two retired Calvin College professors. We had a great trip and I learned a lot about Calvin College. Congratulations on making a great choice.

Good luck with the Tropicbirds on the Great Texas bird count. I know for a fact that you have some terrific team members. I have supported.

Anonymous said...

I am a birder originally from Michigan. There are great opportunities for birding, make sure to check out Tawas passarine migration.